FIlm & Video

Telling Palestinian stories, in all their forms.

We tell Palestinian stories

We are a team of Palestinian and international filmmakers, journalists, and producers with years of experience working in the Palestinian film, video production, and news industries.

Whether you’re a filmmaker, news crew, musician, creative brand, or non profit seeking to create content in Palestine, we offer production services from start to finish depending on your needs. We provide everything from fixers and producers, to skilled videographers and editors, and even writers and translators to help see your project through from start to finish.

Whatever you need for your production in Palestine, our team can help you do it.


Films, Reports & More

See more of our work on our YouTube channel


Customize our services to fit your needs.

Film & Video Production

Fixers & Logistics

Video Editors

Writers & Editors

Motion Graphics

Equipment Rental

Color Grading

Planning a project in Palestine?

We want to help.

What we can do for you

We offer an array of production services that you can customize to fit your specific needs. 

No matter what stage your brief is at, we can help bring your vision to life. 

Depending on your unique needs for your project in Palestine, we’ll curate our services to ensure that you walk away with a product that you’re proud of. 

Who we’ve worked with

We are hiring!

Palestine Productions is seeking a talented and dynamic social media Video Editor to bring our client's visions to life in video form.

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